When it comes to the overall success of your health and fitness efforts, have you ever sat down and determined the ‘cost’; or what it is going to ‘cost’ you?
I am not referring to things like gym memberships or trainer fees, supplements and adequate gym clothing; rather what is the REAL cost you need to pay?
The real cost comes in terms of commitment, dedication, level of focus and follow through on your action plan!
Have you ever wondered why, regardless of the methods some people use, some succeed and some fail? Some will achieve outstanding success and some will barely break even. As a trainer I am constantly asked my opinion, with the hope by many that my answer will always reveal some mystical secret that only the chosen few know about. Maybe, if you too had been using ‘Slimming Shake X’ or following the latest ‘celebrity weight loss fad’ or ‘program in a box’ then you would achieve success too.
Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn’t.
Success isn’t always achieved because what we are doing is optimal but rather sometimes, ‘in spite’ of what we do. But rest assured, ALL the people who do succeed do have one common theme and that is, they all get the job done regardless!
Through adversity and a sometimes often unfathomable number of challenges, they never lose sight of their end prize and keep moving towards true success.
Observe anyone who has been successful (short and long term results) and you would agree;
- They have a goal
- They know the importance of correct, regular exercise and are doing it consistently
- They know nutrition is important and cannot be ignored
- They know the importance of staying on track, and if they do slip up they fix it straight away
- They know laziness is not an excuse
- They cannot be tempted by that last slice of pizza, or piece of cake with an impending goal
- They know that they need to train hard and challenge themselves
- They source professional advice for they know they cannot do it alone
- They are doing it for themselves
- They invest in their education and not use ‘not knowing how’ as an excuse
- They are committed
- They focus, one day at a time
This list is endless!
Are you seeing a theme? True success for the ‘lucky ones’ really comes down to personal commitment, sacrifice, effort and determination. So maybe their luck isn’t luck after all?
The faster you want your results, not only do you need these traits and more, but also ensure what you are doing is optimal (i.e.: the correct training in terms of frequency and selection, and good nutrition strategies that you can stick too). Do it for yourself, and do it in a way that works with your body’s physiology, not against it.
Fad programs lead to short term success and it really pays to again look at the bigger picture. Make sure you are not investing in wasted efforts (to achieve short-term success to only lose) so you can enjoy your obtained results for the rest of your life!